Integrate/Import Angular (v6) component(s) inside React.js applications

Balram Chavan
3 min readMay 27, 2018

Since a long time web developer community is fighting/arguing about superiority between Angular and React.

This does impact while you are trying to build an enterprise level frontend application(s). Application’s few module could be best candidates for React and/or few for Angular. Or your team has diverse skill sets with Angular and React.js. For product development, either of the technology will get finalised and people have to learn/pick up irrespective of their choice. That means if React.js won then Angular developers must start learning/working with React.js and vice versa.

Since React.js has been in market from long time and well proven, people tends to choose it over Angular. This disappoint Angular lovers (including myself).

No worries though!!

With introduction of Angular Elements in Angular version 6, now you can build an Angular component, export them and integrate/import them inside React.js application.

React.js will not a single dependency on Angular framework and its terminology. For React.js it will be simple web component like html element <button> or <input>.

