How to update Favicon in Your Angular Application dynamically

Balram Chavan
2 min readAug 11, 2024

Favicons are a small but essential part of web applications, providing a visual cue that represents your website in the browser tab. Here is an example of favicon from Microsoft website.

In a typical Angular application, favicons are located under src folder.

And included in index.html file.

<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="favicon.png">

Setting favicon dynamically

While setting a static favicon is straightforward, there may be scenarios where you want to dynamically update the favicon based on user input. For example, “Branding” or “Multi-tenancy” feature for SaaS products where a tenant wants to provide branding assets like company logo and favicon.

You might have a BrandinService fetching tenant specific branding information and emit an event whenever user update favicon.

private getBranding() {
takeUntil(this.destroy$)).subscribe(branding => {
this.branding = branding;

To update favicon, we need to create an HTML link element if it doesn’t exist and set the href property with user provided faviconUrl.


private setFavicon(branding: BrandingEntry) {
this.faviconElement = document.querySelector<HTMLLinkElement>('link[rel*="icon"]');
if (!this.faviconElement) {…

